Opprop fra 197 fagfolk: Vi trenger mye mer vitamin D enn anbefalingene sier!

opprop om behov for mer vitamin D

Til alle regjeringer, helsemyndigheter og helsearbeidere, signert 197 fagfolk: – Så mye vitamin D trenger vi. Ytterligere forskning trengs ikke for å øke anbefalingen.

Oppropet av 7.12. er oversatt og forkortet av hemali. Du kan se det originale oppropet her.

En rekke artikler viser at vitamin D påvirker COVID-19 sterkere enn de fleste andre helsemessige forhold. Lave vitamin D-nivåer fremmer COVID-19-infeksjoner, sykehusinnleggelser og dødsfall. Derfor krever vi nå anbefalinger om økt inntak. D-vitamin påvirker tusenvis av gener og mange aspekter av immunforsvaret, både medfødte og adaptive. Det vitenskapelige grunnlaget viser at:

  • Høyere vitamin D-blodnivåer er assosiert med lavere SARS-CoV-2-infeksjon.
  • Høyere vitamin D-nivåer er assosiert med lavere risiko for alvorlig forløp av sykdom (innleggelse, pustehjelp, død).
  • Intervensjonsstudier (inkludert randomiserte, placebokontrollerte) indikerer at vitamin D kan være effektiv behandling.
  • Mange artikler viser flere biologiske mekanismer der vitamin D påvirker COVID-19.
  • Hills vitenskapelige kriterier for årsak, intervensjonsstudiene og biologiske mekanismer indikerer at vitamin Ds innflytelse på COVID-19 er årsakssammenheng, ikke korrelasjon.
  • (Altså forskjellen mellom at faktorer tilfeldigvis inntreffer samtidig, og at de forårsaker hverandre)

De fleste mangler vitamin D

Betydningen av vitamin D er kjent, men de færreste får nok. To vanlige definisjoner av mangel er
<20ng / ml (50nmol / L), målet for de fleste helsemyndigheter
<30ng / ml (75nmol / L), målet for flere medisinske samfunn og eksperter

Mange har nivåer under disse målene. De fleste anslag for mangel <30 ng / ml viser at godt over halvparten av oss har nivåer under dette. Blant mange grupper er tallet mye høyere. Nordiske anbefalinger for daglig inntak er 10 µg/ for dem under 75 år. For dem over er anbefalingen 20 µg/daglig.


Risikoen for mangel oppveier enhver annen risiko knyttet til for mye vitamin D. 197 internasjonale fagfolk.

Vitamin D-mangel er vanligere om vinteren, og noen grupper er særlig utsatt:

  • overvektige
  • mørkhudede
  • beboere på sykehjem ol.
  • disse samme gruppene har økt risiko for COVID-19

For 97,5 prosent av oss kreves:

  • 3875 IE (97mcg) daglig for å nå 20ng /ml.
  • 6200 IE (155mcg) for å nå 30ng /ml.

Altså fire ganger høyere inntak enn de typiske, nasjonale retningslinjer. Flere oppfordringer fra fagfolk om å øke offisielle anbefalinger ga ikke resultat innen SARS CoV-2 kom. Forskning antyder at COVID-19-pandemien opprettholdes via infeksjon hos dem med lite vitamin D. Og ​​at død oftere inntreffer hos dem med mangel enn uten.

Tryggere enn steroider som behandling

Tiår med data viser at D-vitamin har svært lav risiko: Forgiftning er ekstremt sjelden med nevnte anbefalinger. Risikoen for mangel oppveier enhver annen risiko knyttet til for mye vitamin D. D-vitamin er mye tryggere enn steroider, den vanligste behandlingen ved COVID-19. Vi trenger ikke å vente på ytterligere kliniske studier for å øke bruken av noe så trygt.

Derfor ber vi regjeringer, leger og helsearbeidere om å straks anbefale og iverksette tiltak for befolkning for å øke inntaket av vitamin D:

  • Vitamin D fra alle kilder som er tilstrekkelige til å oppnå 25 (OH) D-serumnivåer over 30 ng /ml (75 nmol/l). Det reduserer risiko for COVID-19.
  • Anbefaling til voksne: inntak 4000 IE (100 mcg) daglig (eller minst 2000 IE)
  • Voksne i risikogrupper kan trenge høyere inntak.

Mange faktorer disponerer for høyere risiko for SARS-CoV-2: alder, kjønn, underliggende sykdommer mm. Men nok vitamin D er uten tvil det tryggeste, enkleste, billigste og mest effektive tiltaket for å redusere risiko for å bli smittet av og for alvorlig forløp ved COVID-19.

Undertegnerne støtter dette oppropet. Deres signering er personlig, uavhengig av eventuell institusjon de er tilknyttet. Oppropet tar ikke stilling til andre folkehelsetiltak i tillegg til vitamin D. De undertegnede oppgir ingen andre interessekonflikter, verken av økonomisk eller annen art.

Siste kolonner viser anbefalt inntak ifølge deres myndigheter, og de undertegnedes faktiske inntak:

Dr. Karl Pfleger, PhD AI & Computer Science, Stanford. Former Google Data Scientist. Biotechnology Investor, AgingBiotech.info, San Francisco, CA, USA. (organizing signatory)4000 IU7000 IU
Dr. Gareth Davies, PhD Medical Physics, Imperial College, London, UK. Codex World’s Top 50 Innovator 2019. Independent Researcher. Lead author of “Evidence Supports a Causal Role for Vitamin D Status in COVID-19 Outcomes.” (organizing signatory)4000 IU10,000 IU
Dr. Bruce W Hollis, PhD. Professor of Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina, USA.4000 IU6000 IU
Dr. Barbara J Boucher, MD, FRCP (London). Honorary Professor (Medicine), Blizard Institute, Bart’s & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, UK. (significantly contributing signatory)4000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Ashley Grossman, MD FRCP FMedSci. Emeritus Professor of Endocrinology, University of Oxford, UK. Professor of Neuroendocrinology, Barts and the London School of Medicine. 2020 Endocrine Society Laureate Award.2000 IU2200 IU
Dr. Gerry Schwalfenberg, MD, CCFP, FCFP. Assistant Clinical Professor in Family Medicine, University of Alberta, Canada.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Giovanna Muscogiuri, MD PhD. Associate Editor, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Section of Endocrinology, University “Federico II” of Naples, Naples, Italy..4000 IU1000 IU
Dr. Michael F. Holick, PhD MD. Professor Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics and Molecular Medicine, Director Vitamin D, Skin and Bone Research Laboratory, Boston University Medical Center, USA. (6000 IU) Disclosure: Consultant Biogena and speaker’s Bureau Abbott Inc.4000 IU6000 IU
Dr. John Umhau, MD, MPH. CDR, USPHS (ret). President, Academy of Medicine of Washington, DC, USA. Ex-NIH: co-author of the first peer-reviewed report linking vitamin D deficiency with acute respiratory infection. (significantly contributing signatory)4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Pawel Pludowski, MD, dr hab. Associate Professor, Biochemistry, Radioimmunology and Experimental Medicine, Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland. Chair, European Vitamin D Association (EVIDAS) [non-profit].4000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Cedric F. Garland, DrPH. Professor Emeritus, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, University of California, San Diego, USA.4000 IU6000 IU
Dr. Jose M. Benlloch, Professor, Director of the Institute for Instrumentation on Molecular Imaging, CSIC-UPV, Valencia, Spain.2000 IU3000 IU
Dr. Samantha Kimball, PhD, MLT. Professor, St. Mary’s University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Research Director, GrassrootsHealth Nutrient Research Institute [non-profit]. (significantly contributing signatory)4000 IU6000 IU
Dr. William B. Grant, PhD Physics, U. of California, Berkeley. Director at Sunlight, Nutrition, and Health Research Center [non-profit], San Francisco, CA, USA. Disclosure: Receives funding from Bio-Tech Pharmacal, Inc.4000 IU5300 IU
Dr. Carol L. Wagner, MD. Professor, Medical University of South Carolina, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Paul Marik, MD, FCCP, FCCM. Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine and Professor of Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA, USA.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Morry Silberstein, MD. Associate Professor, Curtin University, Australia.4000 IU
Dr. Vatsal Thakkar, MD. Founder, Reimbursify, NY, USA.  Former faculty, NYU and Vanderbilt.  Op-Ed writer on Vitamin D and COVID-19. (significantly contributing signatory)4000 IU10,000 IU
Dr. Peter H Cobbold, PhD. Emeritus Professor, Cell Biology, University of Liverpool, UK.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Afrozul Haq, PhD. Professor Dept of Food Technology, Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi, India.4000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Barry H. Thompson, MD, FAAP, FACMG. Clinical Associate Professor (Pediatrics), Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Reinhold Vieth, PhD, FCACB. Professor, Departments of Nutritional Sciences and Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Canada. Director (retired), Bone and Mineral Group Laboratory, Mt Sinai Hospital. Disclosure: Receives patent royalties from Ddrops (an infant vitamin D supplement).4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Linda Benskin, PhD, RN, SRN(Ghana), CWCN, CWS, DAPWCA. Independent Researcher for Tropical Developing Countries and Ferris Mfg. Corp, Texas, USA. (significantly contributing signatory)4000 IU4000 IU
Jim O’Neill, CEO, SENS Research Foundation. Former principal associate deputy secretary of Health and Human Services, USA.4000 IU6000 IU
Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, PhD. Epidemiologist & Health Economist. Senior Fellow, Federation of American Scientists. USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Rt Hon David Davis MP, Member of Parliament (Conservative Party). BSc, Joint Hons Molecular Science / Computer Science, Warwick University, UK.4000 IU6000 IU
Dr. Rupa Huq MP, Member of Parliament (Labour Party). PhD, Cultural Studies, University of East London, UK.4000 IU
Dr. Susan J Whiting, PhD. Professor Emerita, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Richard Mazess. PhD. Emeritus Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Helga Rhein, MD (retired). Sighthill Health Centre, Edinburgh, UK. (significantly contributing signatory)4000 IU3500 IU
Dr. Andrea Doeschl-Wilson, PhD. Professor of Infectious disease genetics and modelling, The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, UK.2000 IU
Dr. Ute-Christiane Meier, Dr med habil, PhD (Oxon), Dipl-Biol. Visiting lecturer, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College, London, UK and Privatdozentin, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany. Disclosure: Patent 20160131666: “Biomarkers for inflammatory response.”4000 IU2500 IU
Dr. Luigi Gennari, MD PhD. Full Professor, Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Neurosciences, University of Siena, Siena, Italy.4000 IU3500 IU
Dr. Ased Ali, MBChB, PhD, FRCS. Consultant Urological Surgeon, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, UK.4000 IU8000 IU
Dr. Pavel Kocovsky, PhD DSc FRSE FRSC. Professor Charles University, Prague, and Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic.4000 IU6000 IU
Dr. Ace Lipson, MD. Endocrinologist. Clinical Professor, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA.4000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Attila R Garami, MD, PhD Multidisciplinary Medical Sciences. Senior Biomarker Consultant, Switzerland.4000 IU2500 IU
Dr. David S Grimes, MD (retired), FRCP, University of Manchester, UK.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Larry Callahan, PhD. Chemist, FDA, Maryland, USA.2000 IU3000 IU
Dr. Jeanne M Marconi, MD, Pediatrics. Vice President of PM Pediatrics, New York, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Spiros Karras, MD. Endocrinologist, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism-Diabetes Center, 1st Department of Internal Medicine, AHEPA University Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Joanna Byers, MBChB, University of Birmingham, UK.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Jaimin Bhatt, MBChB, MMed(Surgery) FRCS(Urol) FEBU. Consultant Urological Surgeon, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, UK. (2000 IU)4000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD. Obstetrician/Gynecologist.4000 IU7500 IU
Dr. Jörg Spitz, Dr med. Academy of Human Medicine, Schlangenbad, Germany.4000 IU10,000 IU
Dr. Naghmeh Mirhosseini, MD, PhD, MPH. Research Associate, School of Public Health, University of Saskatchewan, Canada..4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Iacopo Chiodini, Associate Professor of Endocrinology, Dept. of Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. Head, Unit for Bone Metabolism Diseases and Diabetes, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, IRCCS, Milan, Italy.4000 IU3500 IU
Dr. David C Anderson, MD MSc FRCP FRCPE FRCPath. Retired Physician and Endocrinologist, Former Professor of Endocrinology, Manchester University, UK and Professor of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Colin Bannon, MBChB. GP (retired), Devon, UK.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Patricia S. Latham, MD EdD. Professor of Pathology & Medicine, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC, USA.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Teresa Fuller, MD PhD. Pediatrician, Owings Mills, MD, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Omar Wasow, PhD, Harvard. Assistant Professor, Politics, Princeton University, NJ, USA.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Fabio Vescini, MD PhD. Endocrinology and Metabolism Unit, University-Hospital S. Maria della Misericordia, Italy.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Emily Grossman, PhD Molecular Biology, University of Manchester, UK. Science Author, Broadcaster and Educator.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. David Carman, MBChB, University of Cape Town, South Africa.4000 IU3000 IU
Dr. Kalliopi Kotsa, Professor, Endocrinology-Diabetes, Dept of Medicine, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Eva Kocovska, PhD, Queen Mary University of London. Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Medical College, Prague, Czech Republic.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Benjamin Jacobs, MBBS MD MRCP(UK) FRCPCH. Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, UK.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Joan Lappe, PhD RN FAAN. Professor, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.4000 IU
Dr. Ronald A. Primas, MD FACP FACPM DABIHM CTH. New York, NY, USA.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Cristina Eller Vainicher, MD. Unit of Endocrinology, Fondazione Ca’Granda IRCCS OSpedale Maggiore Policlinico Milan, Italy. Head of the outpatients clinic for osteoporosis.4000 IU3500 IU
Dr. Matthias Gauger, MD. General Practitioner, Switzerland.2000 IU3000 IU
Dr. David Warwick, DDS. Dentist, Alberta, Canada. Published Researcher.4000 IU8000 IU
Dr. Sunil J. Wimalawansa, MD PhD MBA FRCP FRCPath FACE FACP DSc. Professor of Medicine, Endocrinology & Nutrition, Cardiometabolic & Endocrine Institute, New Jersey, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Perry S. Holman. Executive Director, Vitamin D Society [non-profit], Canada.4000 IU4000 IU
Sharon McDonnell, MPH. Biostatistician, GrassrootsHealth Nutrient Research Institute [non-profit], Encinitas, CA, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Mike Fisher. Founder, VitaminDassociation.org [non-profit]. Director of Research, Systems Biology Laboratory, UK.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Lina Zgaga, MD, PhD. Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin, Ireland.2000 IU3000 IU
Dr. Irwin Jungreis, PhD, Harvard University. Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.2000 IU2700 IU
Dr. Jane Coad, PhD. Professor of Nutrition, Massey University, New Zealand.4000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Cedric Annweiler, MD PhD. Professor of Geriatric Medicine, School of Medicine, Health Faculty, University of Angers and Department of Medicine, Clinique de l’Anjou, Angers, France. Disclosure: occasional consultant for Mylan Laboratories Inc.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Salvatore Minisola, Full Professor of Internal Medicine, “Sapienza” Rome University, Italy.4000 IU
Dr. Mats B. Humble, MD PhD. Psychiatrist (retired), Senior lecturer, Department of Medical Sciences, Örebro University, Sweden.2000 IU3000 IU
Dr. Andrea Fabbri, MD PhD. Professor of Endocrinology, Head Endocrinology Division, Ospedale CTO A. Alesini, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy.4000 IU7000 IU
Dr. Steve Jones, PhD FRS. Emeritus Professor of Human Genetics, Dept of Genetics, Evolution and Environment, University College London, UK.4000 IU
Dr. Hermann Brenner, MD MPH. Professor of Epidemiology, Head of Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Helder F. B. Martins, MD PhD (hon).Specialist & Emeritus Professor of Public Health. Former Minister of Health, Mozambique. Former WHO. Member, Mozambican Government COVID-19 advisory committee.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. G. Siegfried Wedel, MD. Internist-Nephrologist (retired), Vierhöfen, Germany.4000 IU8000 IU
Dr. Robin Weiss, PhD FRCPath FMedSci FRS. Emeritus Professor of Viral Oncology, Division of Infection & Immunity, University College London, UK.4000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Giancarlo Isaia, Full Professor, University of Turini. President of the Academy of Medicine of Turin, Italy.2000 IU
Dr. Susanne Bejerot, Professor, Örebro University, Sweden.2000 IU3000 IU
Dr. Antonio D’Avolio, Professor of Pharmacology, University of Turin, Italy.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Gustavo Duque, MD PhD FRACP FGSA. Chair of Medicine & Director of the Australian Institute for Musculoskeletal Science (AIMSS). The University of Melbourne and Western Health, Melbourne, Australia.2000 IU0 IU
Dr. Giovanni Passeri, Associate Professor, Internal Medicine, Dep. of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Pankaj Kapahi, Professor, Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, California, USA.4000 IU
Dr. Giuseppe Poli, Emeritus Professor of General Pathology, University of Turin, Italy.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Patrick McCullough, MD. Chief of Medical Services, Summit Behavioral Healthcare, Cincinnati, Ohio USA.4000 IU50,000 IU
Dr. Prashanth Kulkarni, MD DM FSCAI FACC. Consultant Cardiologist, Hyderabad, India.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Klaus Badenhoop, MD PhD. Professor, Division of Endocrinology & Diabetes, Department of Internal Medicine, Goethe-University Hospital, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. José-María Sánchez-Puelles, PhD. Senior Researcher, CIB Margarita Salas, CSIC, Spain2000 IU
Dr. Carmelinda Ruggiero, MD PhD. Professor of Geriatric Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Perugia, Italy. Head of the Orthogeriatric Unit, S Maria Misericordia Teaching Hospital, Perugia, Italy. Disclosure: Occasional consultant for UCB Pharma.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Jose Manuel Quesada Gomez, MD, PHD, Honorary Professor, University of Cordoba. Maimonides Research Institute, Cordoba. Spain.2000 IUCalcifediol266μg/month
Dr. Giovanni Minisola, MD. President Emeritus of Italian Society for Rheumatology. Scientific Director of “San Camillo – Forlanini” Foundation, Rome, Italy.4000 IU
Christine French, MS. Research Analyst at GrassrootsHealth Nutrient Research Institute [non-profit], Encinitas, CA, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Patrizia Presbitero, MD. Clinical and interventional cardiology, Cardio Center, Humanitas Research Hospital Rozzano, Rozzano, Milan, Italy.4000 IU
Dr. Ken Redcross, MD. Doctor and on-camera medical expert, New York, USA. Disclosure: scientific advisory board of the Organic & Natural Health Association.4000 IU10,000 IU
Dr. Rajeev Venugopal, MBBS FRCS FACS DM. Consultant Plastic Surgeon/ Associate Lecturer in Surgery, University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Gianluca Isaia, MD PhD. Geriatrician, Section of Geriatrics, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Turin, A.O.U. Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Molinette, Turin, Italy.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Piero Stratta, Professor of Nephrology, University Piemonte Orientale, Italy.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Ben Schöttker, PhD. Scientist, Division of Clinical Epidemiology and Ageing Research, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany.2000 IU1400 IU
Dr. Roberto Fantozzi, MD. Full Professor of Pharmacology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy.4000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Sheryl L Bishop, PhD. Professor Emeritus, University of Texas Medical Branch, School of Nursing, Galveston, Texas, USA.4000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Wayne Jonas, MD. Professor of Family Medicine, Georgetown University. Former Director NIH Office of Alternative Medicine, USA.2000 IU
Dr. Ferdinando Silveri, Medical Director of the Rheumatology Clinic of the Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Italy.4000 IU
Dr. Vatsalya Vatsalya, MD. Department of Medicine, University of Louisville. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIH, USA.2000 IU
Dr. Rachel Nicoll, PhD. Medical researcher, Umeå University, Sweden.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Raimund von Helden, Dr med. Family medicine. Institute VitaminDelta, Lennestadt, Germany. Disclosure: Institute VitaminDelta sells consumer advice including on vitamin D for modest cost, but with no ties to other commercial interests.4000 IU8000 IU
Carole Baggerly, Founder & Director, GrassrootsHealth Nutrient Research Institute [non-profit], Encinitas, CA, USA.4000 IU10,000 IU
Dr. Edward Gorham, PhD MPH. Adjunct Professor, University of California San Diego, School of Medicine, Dept of Family Medicine and Public Health, USA.4000 IU10,000 IU
Dr. David Verhaeghen, MD, Anesthesiology, Algology and Pain Medicine, Aalst, Belgium.2000 IU3000 IU
Dr. Silvia Migliaccio, MD PhD. Associate Professor at University Foro Italico of Roma, Italy. Secretary of the Italian Society of Food Sciences.4000 IU1000 IU
Dr. Vítor Oliveira, MD, Internal Medicine, Brazil.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Djamel Deramchi, MD. Functional medicine. GrassrootsHealth Certified Vitamin D*practitioner and Coimbra Protocol Certified Doctor. France.4000 IU10,000 IU
Dr. Wim Soetaert, PhD. Prof. Microbiology & Biotechnology, Ghent University, Centre for Industrial Biotechnology and Biocatalysis (InBio.be), Belgium.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Mark S. Braiman, PhD. Professor of Chemistry, Syracuse University, USA.4000 IU10,000 IU
Dr. Mikko Paunio, MD PhD MHS. Adjunct Professor in General Epidemiology, University of Helsinki. Medical Counselor Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland.4000 IU6000 IU
Dr. Manfred Eggersdorfer, PhD. Professor for Healthy Ageing, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands. Member of the Advisory Board of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Disclosure: Head of Nutrition Science and Advocacy, DSM Nutritional Products. Member of the scientific board of PM International.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Chris Newton, PhD. Research director, Centre for Immuno-Metabolism, Microbiome and Bio-energetic Research (CIMMBER), UK.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Doreen Brodmann, Dr med. Head of Nephrology, Spitalzentrum Oberwallis, Switzerland.4000 IU10,000 IU
Dr. Srijit Mishra, PhD, Economics. Professor, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India.2000 IU
Dr. Marco Infante, MD. Adjunct Professor of Endocrinology, UniCamillus – Saint Camillus International University of Health Sciences, Rome, Italy.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Jean-Marc Sabatier, PhD HDR. Director of research at CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research), Institut de NeuroPhysiopathologie (INP), Marseille, France.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Mohsin Sidat, MD PhD. University Eduardo Mondlane, Mondlane, Mozambique.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Dimitrios T. Papadimitriou, MD PhD. Director, Department of Pediatric-Adolescent Endocrinology & Diabetes, Athens Medical Center, Greece.4000 IU10,000 IU
Dr. Bodo Schertel, Dr med. Professor, Hochschule Mannheim, Germany.4000 IU10,000 IU
Dr. Jahit Sacarlal, MD PhD MPH. Professor, Department of Microbiology, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique.4000 IU7500 IU
Dr. Espen Haug, Phd. Professor, School of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Martin Hewison, PhD. Professor of Molecular Endocrinology, Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. Disclosure: Received honorarium from Thornton Ross (UK) for online seminar.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Damien Downing, MBBS MRSB. President, British Society for Ecological Medicine, UK.4000 IU8000 IU
Dr. Linda A. Linday, MD. Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr.  Rose Anne Kenny, MD FRCP FRCPI FRCPEdin FTCD FESC MRIA. Professor, Chair of Medical Gerontology, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Mihkel Zilmer, Dr. med. Professor, Medical Biochemistry, Head of Department of Biochemistry, Tartu University, Faculty of Medicine, Estonia.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Jaan Eha, MD PhD. Professor of Cardiology, Tartu University, Faculty of Medicine, Estonia.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Anna Moore, MBBS PgDipNutrMed, London, UK.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Roger D. Seheult, MD. Assistant Professor, Loma Linda University School of Medicine. Associate Professor, UC Riverside School of Medicine. Cofounder, MedCram, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Jean-Claude Souberbielle, PhD PharmD. Former head of Hormonology Laboratory, Necker Hospital, Paris, France.2000 IU3300 IU
Dr. Emmanuelle Faucon, MD, Toulon, France. Former Medical Affairs Director in Immunology and Virology, Bristol Myers Squibb.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Aida Santaolalla, PhD. Senior Data Scientist, Cancer Epidemiology, King’s College London, UK.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Elisa Song, MD. Pediatrician, Belmont, CA, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Mylene Huynh, MD MPH. Colonel (ret), USAF. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, USA.2000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Yosef Weisman, Professor. Retired head of Bone Desease Unit and the Vitamin D Lab, Tel Aviv Souraski Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Andrius Bleizgys, MD PhD. Lector of Clinic of Internal Diseases, Family Medicine and Oncology, Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Keshav Singhal, FRCS MS(orth) M.Ch(orth). Professor, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon. Chair British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO), Wales. Council Member & Trustee, Swansea University. Fellow of Learned Society of Wales, UK.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Gennadi Glinsky, MD PhD. Professor, Institute of Engineering in Medicine, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Eero Vasar, MD PhD. Professor of Human Physiology, University of Tartu, Estonia.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Frank C. Church, PhD. Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Michael J. A. Robb, MD. Physician, Oto-Neurologist, Robb Oto-Neurology Clinic, Phoenix, Arizona. Past President, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), USA.4000 IU10,000 IU
Dr. Giles Duffield, PhD. Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences & Eck Institute for Global Health, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Harry Wichers, PhD. Professor in Immune Modulation by Food, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands.2000 IU1000 IU
Dr. Matthew A. Nehs, MD. Assistant Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School. Program Director, Harvard Combined Endocrine Surgery Fellowship. USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Hana Fakhoury Hajeer, PhD. Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia.2000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Fatme Al Anouti, PhD Biochemistry. Associate Professor, College of Natural and Health Sciences, Zayed University, UAE.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. José C. Tutor, PharmD PhD MB. Pharmacology Unit, Health Research Institute, University Clinical Hospital, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.4000 IU10,000 IU
Dr. Wolfgang Schrott, Professor (retired), Chemistry, Hochschule Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany.4000 IU2000 IU
Dr. Brian Lenzkes, MD, Internal Medicine, San Diego, CA, USA.2000 IU
Dr. Hayley A Young, PhD. Associate Professor, Nutrition and Behaviour, Swansea University, UK.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Luis Lugones, Assistant Professor Microbiology, Faculty of Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.4000 IU5000 IU
Beth Ellen DiLuglio, RDN LDN MS in Human Nutrition from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Institute of Human Nutrition. Former Associate Professor of Nutrition, Palm Beach State College, Lake Worth, FL. Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Florida, USA. Disclosure: Researcher & writer for OptimalDx.com.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. David Benton, PhD DSc. Professor, Swansea University, UK.4000 IU4000 IU
Dr. Huub Savelkoul, PhD. Full Professor, Head, Cell Biology and Immunology Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.2000 IU1000 IU
Dr. Cicero Galli Coimbra, MD PhD. Assistant Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience, Federal University of São Paulo. President, Institute for Investigation and Treatment of Autoimmunity, Brazil. Creator, “Coimbra Protocol” for autoimmune diseases.4000 IU20,000 IU
Dr. Parag Singhal, MD FRCP FACP. Professor of Medicine, University of South Wales, UK. Consultant Endocrinologist.4000 IU3300 IU
Dr. Meis Moukayed, PhD (Cantab), Professor of Health and Life Sciences, American University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE.4000 IU10,000 IU
Dr. Linda Bluestein, MD. Clinical Assistant Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Alex Bäcker, PhD, Biology, Caltech, USA.4000 IU
Dr. Chad G. Kahl, MD SFS FAAFP. Clinical Assistant professor of Medicine, Uniformed Services University. Chief Medical Officer, Pentagon Flight Medicine Clinic, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Alessandro D. Santin, MD. Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA.4000 IU5000 IU
Dr. Alessandro Comandone, MD. Director, Dept. of Oncology, San Giovanni Bosco Hospital Turin, Italy.2000 IU
Dr. Endrit Shahini, MD MSC FPO-IRCCS. Candiolo Cancer Institute, Candiolo (Torino), Italy.4000 IU
Dr. Phillip C. Gioia, MD MPH FAAP FACPM, Certificate in Clinical Informatics. Medical Director of Cayuga County Health Department, NY, USA.2000 IU800 IU
Dr. Edward Jude, MBBS MD FRCP. Professor of Medicine, University of Manchester, UK.4000 IU3000 IU
Dr. Sudeepta Varma, MD DFAPA. Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, NY, USA.4000 IU4000 IU


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